James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Communicating with the Korean Tourist


13 lectures, 13 hours practicals, brief study excursion to be arranged when required. Second semester.

Available to Certificate of Korean Studies students.

Staff: Mr E Kim.

This subject is designed to meet the training needs and interests of persons working in different capacities in the tourism and hospitality industry by helping them develop basic skills in a necessarily limited but diverse range of specific situations involving Korean tourists. This subject will suit those already employed in the tourism and hospitality industry who are looking to obtain specific knowledge in the Korean tourism market and those who wish to prepare themselves for entering the Korean tourism market.

Major topics include: history of Korea; Koreans’ minds and cultural traits and ideas, meeting with Korea; defining the Korean way; a meeting of cultures; major problem areas: cross-cultural encounters, the Korean language, barriers facing foreign businessmen, adapting to the Korean business environment, communication in a tourist-host relationship, appreciating cultural differences, practical communication skills.

Learning Objectives:

  1. look at the meeting of cultures — when personnel from the tourism and hospitality industry meet Korean tourists;
  2. address some of the problems encountered by the tourism and hospitality industry in supplying services and facilities to the expanding Korean market;
  3. develop students’ skills in positive communication with Korean tourists and to reinforce levels of understanding.

Assessment by course instruction including Work Book.
