James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



The Australian Tourism Product

Townsville, Cairns

26 lectures, 13 tutorials. Second semester.

This subject considers the major attractions and tourist developments in all Australian states and territories. The current marketing emphasis of the separate states and territories is considered in conjunction with the Australian Tourist Commission’s efforts in presenting the Australian tourism product. An integral part of this subject is a compulsory and assessed field study tour which introduces students to a diverse array of tourism settings and illustrates many of the principles discussed in lectures.

Learning Objectives:

  1. establish a knowledge of the Australian tourism product;
  2. study the marketing structure of each state and the major attractions available for both the domestic and international markets;
  3. achieve an understanding of the Australian tour product;
  4. practical sessions will develop research and report writing skills;
  5. gain a practical knowledge of tourism product through a field study tour.

Assessment guidelines to be advised.
