Emergency Issues and Crisis Management
26 lectures, 36 hours practicals, 18 hours other. First semester.
Available to students in the Occupational Therapy program.
Introduction to basic clinical skills in primary health care settings. Introduction to the community setting. History taking and interpretation. Managing emergencies. Universal precautions. Cross infection and the implications. Pulse, blood pressure, respirations, level of consciousness and awareness, basic client assessment. Collection of wound swabs. Simple wound dressings. Assemble, use and maintain equipment oxygen and suction, air nebuliser, bag and mask. Completion of a Senior First Aid Course. Basic human crisis management. Basic counselling skills.
Learning Objectives:
- list and describe the means of cross infection and the implications. List and describe the infections which may be acquired through cross infection;
- demonstrate competence in the conduct of universal precautions against cross infection;
- take and interpret a range of basic clinical tests and examinations, (temperature, pulse, blood pressure, respirations);
- collection, labelling, storage and transport of specimens wound swabs;
- perform a simple wound dressing;
- assemble, use and maintain equipment. Oxygen and suction, air nebuliser, bag and mask;
- complete a Senior First Aid Course;
- in a case simulation take and interpret a simple client history. Record the findings. Write referral letters;
- demonstrate confidence in visiting clients in the community setting;
- demonstrate basic counselling skills and basic human crisis management skills.
Assessment by mid-semester examination (50%); final examination (50%). Students must pass each item of assessment and hold a current Senior First Aid certificate on completion of the subject.