James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Theatre Practice 1D


96 hours seminars/practicals. Second semester.

Available to level 1 BT students only.

Students enrolling in this subject will undertake studies in either the Acting or Production area.


Study topic — Contemporary Drama in Performance

Approaches to rehearsal process, ‘intentions’ and ‘objectives’, scene study, text analysis and performance exercises, ‘being in the moment’, detailed character work, scene presentation.


Introduction to costume design and wardrobe management. The areas of study include: analysing a script and creating lists, researching and creating costume designs, costume maintenance, sewing skills and the fundamentals of wardrobe management.

Learning Objectives:


  1. to enable students to identify, employ and obtain mastery of core skills necessary to professional practice.


  1. to enable students to identify, employ and obtain mastery of core skills necessary for participation in professional theatre.

Assessment by:


5 key elements of rehearsal process (10% each) (50%); 5 key elements in performance skills (10% each) (50%).


Preparation and participation in practicals (25%); continuous assessment of practical skills through various project work (75%).
