James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Theatre Practice 1C


96 hours seminars/practicals. Second semester.

Available to level 1 BT students only.

Students enrolling in this subject will undertake modules in either Acting or Production.


Study topic — Improvisation

Acting and responding, beginning and developing improvisation, concentration and spontaneity, non-verbal and verbal improvisation, a character in improvisation, building a performance from improvisation.


Technical production students learn the importance of sound for theatre. Areas of study include: sourcing of sound, use of music and effects, the technology of sound systems, recording, editing, splicing, assembly and usage of basic sound systems in a theatrical context.

Learning Objectives:


  1. to enable students to identify, employ and obtain mastery of core skills necessary to professional practice.


  1. to enable students to identify, employ and obtain mastery of fundamental key competencies necessary for the development of soundscape for theatrical productions.

Assessment by:


5 key elements of rehearsal process (10% each) (50%); 5 key elements in performance skills (10% each) (50%).


Developing a soundcape as related to a theatrical production (50%); practical skills tests to ascertain competencies on sound system components (50%).
