James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Youth, Identity and Popular Culture

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: SY1001 or SY1002
Inadmissable Subject Combination: SY3019

26 lectures, 24 tutorials. Second semester.

Staff: Dr G Dawes.

Topics include youth as a concept; a question of power — youth as problems and victims; youth and multiple transitions; consuming passions: the mass globalisation of youth culture; youth subcultural formations; the invisible female? girls and subcultures; style as an identity marker in subcultures; re-making the body and fashion; fear and loathing: resistance, dance and the body; its only rockn’roll: music as a vehicle of empowerment; no future: youth and marginalisation; who are you? youth as multi-layered subjects.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain an understanding of the concept of youth as a social construct;
  2. gain an appreciation of the theoretical underpinnings of youth subcultural studies;
  3. develop an understanding of the multiple discourses which shape young people’s identities;
  4. gain an appreciation of the youth as consisting of multiple subjectivities.

Assessment by annotated bibliography (approximately 20) relating to elements of youth culture (30%); seminar presentation (25%); assignment (45%).
