James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Research Practice


Prerequisites: Distinction level in research-based and practice-based photography subject and permission of Head of College
Inadmissable Subject Combination: PT4012 PT4022

Contact hours as negotiated with the Head of College through the supervisor. Full year..


Head of College of Music, Visual Arts and Theatre.

This subject introduces students to the fundamentals of practice-based research and provides them with the opportunity to further develop photography skills to enhjance their individual creative portfolio.

Learning Objectives:

  1. practise and acquire advanced techniques within the chosen field of photography to a fully professional level;
  2. create a body of work where a strong relationship between theory and practice is demonstrated;

Assessment by presentation of a previously agreed upon body of work leading to a one-person exhibition, presentation or installation in an accredited space or site. The body of work should be accompanied by a professional standard of documentation in the form of a catalogue, statement, invitations and identification of works shown.
