James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Colour Processing and Printing


Inadmissable Subject Combination: VA2191 VA2730

13 lectures, 39 hours practicals. First semester.

Available to Bachelor of Photography students.

Staff: Mr G Evans.

This subject provides an introduction to colour photography and processing including the use of both positive and negative materials. Topics to be covered include: introduction to colour theory; psychology of colour; the use of colour as a composition tool; advanced colour temperature considerations; colour film types and applications; care of colour film; structure of colour films and papers; processing slide and negative films; operation of colour enlargers; colour printing using both additive and subtractive methods; process monitoring; safe working practices for chemical handling and colour darkroom procedures.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop an understanding of the psychology of colour, how it influences human behaviour and how it can be used in photographic composition;
  2. extend understanding of the concept of colour temperature of light and how it affects film;
  3. understand the relationship of colours as applied to colour photography;
  4. develop the technical skills necessary to process and print colour films;
  5. acquire the expertise to evaluate and correct colour photographs;
  6. demonstrate a working knowledge of safe work practices to be employed in colour darkroom and chemical preparation procedures.

Assessment by three practical assignments (60%); practical colour printing test (20%); written test (20%). Late submission of assessment items will attract penalties unless an extension has been granted in writing by the lecturer and work submitted by students with an attendance rate of less than 80% may not be eligible for assessment without prior written approval from the lecturer.
