James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Theory and Method in Political Science


Prerequisites: Admission to honours program

26 contact hours. First semester.

Staff: Assoc. Professor H Lesbirel.

This subject provides an advanced treatment of theories and methodologies of relevance to the study of political science. It will provide students with the ability to develop rigorous theoretical frameworks in the field of political science. Emphasis will be attached to concepts and competing theories, the generation of hypotheses and methods for evaluating the validity of those hypotheses. Attention will be paid to building frameworks for the analysis of politics in both the domestic and international contexts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop high level research skills in political science;
  2. to develop frameworks for analysing politics;
  3. to provide methodological sophistication in research in the field of politics;
  4. to further develop students’ skills in research and writing in political science.

Assessment by a combination of a research essay and seminar presentations, the respective weights to be determined after consultation with students.
