James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Public Administration and Inter-government Relations


Prerequisites: 4 units of level 2 HI or PL subjects
Inadmissable Subject Combination: PL2292

39 lectures, 13 tutorials. Second semester.

Staff: Dr D Hunt.

This subject surveys a range of issues affecting contemporary public management and administration, with emphasis on the process of public sector change and relations between the levels of government in Australia.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand contemporary developments relating to the public sector and inter-governmental relations in Australia;
  2. to critically evaluate relevant academic and government literature;
  3. to use research and analytical skills pertinent to public administration and management;
  4. to develop appropriate writing and other communication skills.

Assessment by examination (35%); two essays (40%); seminar presentation and paper (20%); attendance and participation (5%).
