James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Physics Honours


Full year.

Available to graduates who have reached a satisfactory standing in physics and mathematics at this University. Graduates from other universities with equivalent qualifications will be considered for acceptance.

The honours course consists of lectures, seminars, assignments and a project. Lectures given will include a selection from the following: quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, nonlinear dynamics and chaos, atomic physics, oceanography, data analysis, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, meteorology, plasma physics, quantum field theory, particle physics, general relativity and cosmology. Certain topics will be obligatory and the student may make a selection from the optional courses according to rules fixed by the Head of the School.

Assessment by written and/or oral examinations, by reports and by literature surveys. In addition, students will undertake an experimental or theoretical project and the report on this work will be weighted significantly in the overall assessment.
