James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Mental Health Nursing Practice 4 – Aged


Prerequisites: NS5310

30 contact hours, 100 clinical hours. Block mode. Second semester.

Available to students who have registration as a nurse; preferably with Bachelor’s preparation in nursing or a related discipline, and who have completed first year subjects for the Postgraduate Diploma of Mental Health Nursing.

The subject will integrate a sound knowledge of the major physiological, developmental and sociocultural changes experienced during aging with a knowledge of psychopathology as it impacts on these processes. It will include the topics of identification of major mental health disorders of the aged, comparative mental health status of aged Australians and those in other countries, functional, mental status and neuropsychological assessment of the aged client, and the management of problematic behaviours associated with mental illness in the institutionalised aged client.

Learning Objectives:

  1. identify the major mental health issues of clients over age 65;
  2. demonstrate skills in the physical, psychosocial, mental status, neuropsychological and functional assessment of the aged client with an alteration in mental status;
  3. plan, implement and review clinically relevant, research-based, age-appropriate nursing care for aged clients with a range of mental disorders;
  4. demonstrate an ability to apply teaching and learning principles to enhance self care in the aged.

Assessment by assignment and case study presentations.
