James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Researching Music


26 lectures. Second semester.

Available to BMus students.


Dr S Campbell.

This subject is an introduction to music research techniques and methodologies required at Honours and postgraduate levels. A range of methodologies pertaining to music research are examined and evaluated in varying music contexts, along with approaches to defining and refining research topics. The various information and information technology systems available for literature searching are demonstrated and evaluated with regard to sample research contexts.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain a knowledge of various methodologies used in music research;
  2. gain an understanding of information and information technology systems used in literature searching;
  3. develop an ability to define and refine music research topics;
  4. develop an ability to evaluate and choose research methodologies relevant to research topics.

Assessment by seminar presentation on a music research topic (20 minutes) (50%); journal (3,000 words) (50%).
