James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Music Project


Contact hours as negotiated with the subject coordinator. First semester.

Available to BMus students.

This subject allows students to pursue a particular aspect of music in depth. Students will be required to submit a written proposal to the subject coordinator for consideration and approval prior to commencing their project. Approval of proposals will be subject to the availability of staffing and other resources. Students may work with an external supervisor subject to the approval of the subject coordinator and the Head of College.

Learning Objectives:

  1. gain an understanding of an area of music not otherwise studied;
  2. have the opportunity to develop a collaborative project with other students/institutions/organisations.

Assessment will be negotiated between the student and subject coordinator and must form part of the written proposal agreed prior to commencement of the subject. Assessment will normally be progressive and comprise a number of different assessment items and methods. Late submission of assessment items will attract penalties unless the supervisor has granted an extension in writing.
