James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Life and Everything to Mozart


Inadmissable Subject Combination: MU2302 MU2305 MU2312 MU2315 MU3302 MU3312

26 lectures, 13 hours practicals. First semester.

Available to BMus students plus any student who passes the University’s music rudiments test.


Mr P Gore-Symes.

Music and Culture by presenting an in-depty survey of the history of western art music from Early Music until the late eighteenth century. Political and social history, performance practice and musical styles and forms are all approached in conjunction with selected works from a variety of composers. The subject will also further develop skills in listening to music as well as in the reading and analysis of a variety of scores.

Learning Objectives:

  1. acquire knowledge of major musical styles from Gregorian Chant until the late eighteenth century;
  2. discuss, analyse and compare relationships between music and other art forms;
  3. acquire knowledge of the life, times and music of selected composers;
  4. recognise, describe, analyse and compare selected works by representative composers;
  5. demonstrate an overall understanding of the major musical forms, styles and terminology of the times;
  6. relate changes in musical styles to underlying social and intellectual theories, philosophies and aesthetics as they change over time;
  7. develop further strategies of musical analysis and historical judgement.

Assessment by essay (3,000-3,500 words) (40%); two class tests (30% each) (60%).
