James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Performing Music 2


Prerequisites: MU1401
Inadmissable Subject Combination: MU2201 MU2303 MU2306 MU2313 MU2316

26 lectures, 78 hours workshops, 52 hours practicals. Full year.

Staff: Mr R Daniel.

Students will build on the training undertaken in Perfrming Music 1 and develop advanced skills on an instrument or in voice. They will improve their instrumental or vocal skills through instruction, performance and written reflection and they will also enhance their overall skills in performance through the development of greater aural awareness.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop skills in instrumental or vocal performance in a variety of contexts;
  2. increase knowledge of style and repertoire;
  3. improve verbal and written skills in specific music contexts;
  4. develop advanced aural awareness skills of perception, analysis, identification and synthesis.

Assessment by practice journal (15%); masterclass participation (15%); concert practice performances (10%); concert appreciation portfolio or approved external examination (10%); small group ensemble (15%); large group ensemble (15%); aural training (20%).
