James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Music and Culture


Inadmissable Subject Combination: MU1203

26 lectures, 13 tutorials. First semester.

Staff: Mr P Gore-Symes.

This subject introduces students to an overview of the general history of music in the context of the other arts as a survey course from Early Music through to contemporary works. The focus is on ‘art’ music, although ongoing reference is made to its interaction with ‘popular’ music. Developments in political, social and intellectual history, musical styles, forms and historical performance practices are approached in conjuction with recognition and analysis of selected works from a variety of composers. The subject also introduces basic bibliographic and citation skills.

Learning Objectives:

  1. acquire a basic grasp of the major musical stylistic changes in western music over approximately the last millennium;
  2. acquire knowledge of the life, times and music of selected composers;
  3. discuss, analyse and compare relationship between music and the other art forms in each period;
  4. aurally recognise, describe and compare selected compositions by a representative selection of composers;
  5. demonstrate a basic understanding of the major musical forms, styles and terminology relevant to commonly recognised musical stylistic periods;
  6. relate changes in musical style to underlying social and intellectual theories, philosophies and aesthetics of the period;
  7. develop fundamental strategies in musical and historical judgement.

Assessment by 2,000-2,500 word essay (30%); two class tests (30% each) (60%); bibliographic project (10%).
