James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Managing Organisations 2

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: 18 level 1 units or permission of HOS
Inadmissable Subject Combination: MG2731

26 lectures, 12 tutorials. First and second semester (Townsville campus); first semester (Cairns campus).

Staff: Assoc. Professor A Lysons (Townsville campus); Dr J Campling (Cairns campus).

This subject presents an introduction to management from an organisational behaviour (OB) perspective. It presents theoretical concepts and the management processes and how they apply to behaviour in organisations. The processes formulated to convey an understanding and working knowledge of current theory and practice will draw heavily on the combined efforts of all participants.

Learning Objectives:

  1. increase the student’s awareness and understanding of the particular issues raised;
  2. to enhance the student’s ability to analyse, critically assess and concisely communicate their point of view in order to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their future academic and professional performance.

Assessment to be advised.
