James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Marine Ecological Assessment


Prerequisites: Consult HOS
Inadmissable Subject Combination: MB2060

Second semester. Students will be required to attend lectures and practical classes in MB2060.

Staff: Dr M McCormick

The description, assessment and management of resources in tropical marine environments. Ecological methods used to assess the size and condition of marine resources and to monitor and audit them. There is an emphasis on spatial and temporal description, monitoring, impact assessment and collecting and handling of data. Introduction to ecological footprints, economics and other strategies for management.

Learning Objectives:

  1. understanding some of the practical applications of marine ecology;
  2. design of ecological sampling and experiments;
  3. collection, handling and analysis of ecological data;
  4. understanding the role of ecologists in environmental management.

Assessment by two laboratory exercises (20%); field report (15%); a three-hour examination (65%).
