James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Introduction to Quantitative Methods

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: Senior Maths B (or equivalent)

39 lectures, 26 tutorials. First semester.

This subject introduces students to concepts involved in descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include methods of producing, exploring, displaying and describing data, elementary probability, hypothesis testing, correlation. Emphasis will be placed on how statistics are used in practice and on the presentation and interpretation of statistical analyses. A computing package and calculator will be used to facilitate numerical calculations.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand the relevance and importance of statistical methods as a tool in the sutdent’s respective discipline;
  2. choose and apply appropriate graphical and numerical tools for organising, describing and exploring data;
  3. understand the basic principles of sample selection and experimental design;
  4. select and apply appropriate statistical tools to perform certain inferential analyses;
  5. make use of a statistical computer package to carry out elementary statistical tasks;
  6. be able to interpret the output produced from a statistical computing package.

Assessment by coursework (50%); a three-hour examination (50%).
