James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Radio Journalism

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: JN2007
Inadmissable Subject Combination: JN2004

13 lectures, 20 tutorials, 13 hours workshops. Second semester.

Staff: Ms L McCaffery (Townsville campus); Dr J Norgate (Cairns campus).

Journalism principles and skills will be adapted to the radio medium. Students will be introduced to the daily operations of radio news rooms. Students will examine the requirements of radio and what sets it apart from print journalism. They will discover the significance of the medium’s reliance on immediacy and the spoken word. The subject will cover writing news for radio, interviewing, documentary production, microphone speech techniques, and sound gathering and editing equipment. Students will be encouraged where possible to gain practical experience on student and community radio stations.

Learning Objectives:

  1. write in an appropriate style for radio news;
  2. present a full and balanced radio news bulletin;
  3. demonstrate an appreciation of the context of radio journalism in mass media.

Assessment will be based on regular radio news assignments.
