James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Indigenous Australian Issues


Inadmissable Subject Combination: IA3101 JN2005

13 lectures, 20 tutorials. Second semester.

Staff: Dr J Norgate.

Though this subject is primarily designed for journalism students, it is not restricted and would also benefit interested students from other disciplines. The subject aims to increase awareness and understanding of Indigenous Australian issues from a journalistic perspective through a series of case studies that examine, where possible, topical issues. Aspects that may be canvassed include cultural imperialism, institutional racism, political agendas, identity constructions, and current news media language and practice towards Indigenous issues. The recommendations of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Deaths in Custody on the media will also be examined.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop an awareness of Indigenous Australian viewpoints;
  2. develop a familiarity with protocols required when reporting on Indigenous issues;
  3. demonstrate an understanding of the influence the mass media has on public perceptions of Indigenous Australian issues.

Assessment by regular assignments.
