James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Introduction to Journalism

Townsville, Cairns

13 lectures, 26 tutorials, 39 hours professional workshops. First semester.

Staff: Mrs E Hart (Townsville campus); Dr J Norgate (Cairns campus).

An introduction to the history and practice of Australian Journalism: the nature of news, newsroom operations and personnel. The practical component concentrates on basic writing, news structures, news values, and basic information gathering. The subject also examines the role and responsibilities of journalism and the mass media in society. It includes the study of major issues such as media ownership, the media as a business, agenda setting, and information gate-keeping. Legal and ethical constraints on news writing will be canvassed.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand the functions of the news media and to learn basic news writing.

Assessment to be determined by staff member responsible.
