James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000





Inadmissable Subject Combination: CA3106

52 lectures/workshops. Second semester.

Available to Advanced Diploma of Communications, Bachelor of Journalism and other students.

It will be demonstrated to students how good communication requires good grammar in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous writing. The subject includes instruction in sentence construction, spelling and style. It encompasses all the skills involved in sub-editing, including story evaluation, rewriting, headline writing, proofreading, the checking of facts, typography and an introduction to layout and design.

Learning Objectives:

  1. provide Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students with skills in sub-editing as described in the subject content;
  2. enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to develop skills in producing copy to mainstream standard;
  3. enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to edit text for community newsletters, a task currently performed by non-Indigenous people from outside communities.

Assessment by assignments and practicals (60%); examination (30%); attendance and participation (10%).
