James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Indigenous Australian Worldviews 3


26 lectures, 26 tutorials. First semester.

Available to Bachelor of Indigenous Studies students and other undergraduate students.

Staff: Ms K Martin.

This subject examines the evolvement of Indigenous Australian Worldviews to their current states. It analyses the disjuncture of Indigenous Worldviews and Australian society through the assertion of the knowledges, perspectives and interpretations of Indigenous Australian people.

Learning Objectives:

  1. identify and describe current expressions for Indigenous Australian Worldviews;
  2. analyse reponses to the assertion of Indigenous Australian Worldviews;
  3. examine the position of Indigenous Australian Worldviews to Australian society;
  4. further development skills for critical analysis of Indigenous Australian representations in a variety of sources and materials.

Assessment by attendance and participation (10%); tutorial presentation (45%); essay (45%).
