James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Historical and Political Thought


Prerequisites: Eligibility for honours program in History or Politics
Inadmissable Subject Combination: PL4081

26 seminars. First semester.

Staff: Dr D Hunt, Dr D May, Dr J Wegner.

The first part of the subject will be a critique of the various schools of historical thought followed by an overview of political theories. The second part will evaluate the impact of feminism and postcolonialism on the study of history and politics. In keeping with the Australian focus of the offerings at Cairns Campus, the third part will look briefly at the impact of nineteenth and twentieth century theories of liberalism, socialism, populism and conservatism on Australian politics and history.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to expand students’ understanding of the theoretical approaches to the disciplines of History and Politics;
  2. to gain an appreciation of the diversity of theoretical perspectives available to History and Politics students;
  3. to be able to apply theoretical positions to contemporary issues and debates;
  4. to develop research skills appropriate to Honours level students;
  5. to ensure that students are conversant with the skills needed to access material from traditional locations as well as electronic sources.

Assessment by seminar essay (2,500 words) (25%); major research project (5,000 words) (55%); attendance and participation (20%).
