James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Australia Since Federation


Prerequisites: 4 units of level 2 HI or PL subjects
Inadmissable Subject Combination: HI2451 HI3461

39 lectures, 12 tutorials. Second semester.

Staff: Dr R McGregor.

This subject explores key issues in the history of Australia since the creation of the Commonwealth in 1901. While focussing on developments within Australia, it considers these within the larger framework of political, social and cultural change on the global scale. Particular attention is paid to the ambivalences of Australian nationhood and nationalism, changing perspectives on indigenous Australians and shifts in the ways in which Australian landscapes have been represented and evaluated.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to become familiar with relevant debate in Australian history and in the history of ideas;
  2. to acquire competence in research appropriate to level 3 studies;
  3. to gain an appreciation of the diversity of historiographic and theoretical perspectives available to the historian;
  4. to develop skills in the organisation and expression of research findings appropriate to level 3 studies.

Assessment by 5,000 word essay (35%); tutorial assignments (30%); examination (35%).
