James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Science, Modernity and Magic in Southeast Asia


Prerequisites: 4 units of level 2 HI or PL subjects

52 contact hours. First semester.

Staff: Dr F Aguilar.

A study of the interactions between Southeast Asian indigenous world views and Western science and modernity from the 19th to the late 20th century. Examines the relationship between science and magic in Europe and in Southeast Asia, the dynamics of the West’s civilising mission and Southeast Asian initiatives to enter the modern world.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to learn to assess elements of continuity and change in Southeast Asian world views;
  2. to appreciate the diversity of historiographic and theoretical approaches available to the historian;
  3. to acquire competence in research appropriate to level 3 studies;
  4. to develop skills in the organisation and presentation of research findings appropriate to level 3 studies.

Assessment by research paper (40%); seminar papers (40%); class participation (20%).
