James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



North Queensland: The Wars for the Land


Inadmissable Subject Combination: HI3000 HI3280

26 lectures, 12 tutorials, field trip. First semester.

Available to study abroad students or students who have completed one level 1 HI subject.

Staff: Dr J Wegner.

The major themes in North Queensland history, including: the wars for the land between Aborigines and Europeans and the history of race relations following them; the battle by Europeans to adapt to an alien environment and the damage done to the environment in that process; the political skirmishes which determined the direction of NQ History; and the effects of World War II.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to understand the historical forces shaping the society, economy and political culture of an Australian region;
  2. to become acquainted with those theoretical perspectives which help to interpret historical events in the region;
  3. to be able to use primary source documents in writing regional history;
  4. to further develop such writing skills as coherence, relevance, clarity and the ability to structure an historical argument.

Assessment by seminar presentation and essay (25%); essay (25%); field trip report (30%); seminar attendance and participation (20%).
