James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



GIS Integrated Study Assignment


Prerequisites: Admission to PGDipSc(Geographical and Land Information Systems)
Inadmissable Subject Combination: GE3504 TG3114 TG5104

20 lectures, 60 hours of supervised laboratory work. July intensive mode.

Potential students should register their name with the School Secretary before formally enrolling in the subject.

Staff: Mr J Monaghan.

This subject introduces participants to the conceptual and practical procedures of GIS design and implementation. It has a practical focus and the objective is to create a working spatial model that addresses a specific scientific research or land management problem in the Townsville region.

Learning Objectives:

As for subject content above.

Assessment by report on conceptual design (30%); completed Geographic Information System (40%); report on the corresponding research or land management problem (30%).
