James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Audio Video Editing for Digital Media


13 lectures, 13 tutorials, 39 hours practicals. First semester.

An introduction to basic sound and video editing techniques based on the use of desktop computer technologies. Students enrolled in this subject will undertake a series of lectures, tutorials and practical exercises designed to develop a broad understanding of digital audio and video recording, editing, storage and compression methodologies. Students will capture and edit material utilising a variety of recording devices and will edit and produce digital media in a variety of formats suitable for use in both Web and Multimedia applications. Emphasis is placed on the practical application of theoretical knowledge through exercises and investigative activities designed to utilise a variety of recording, editing and storage solutions.

Structured practical exercises will introduce students to fundamental aspects of: digital sound and video capture techniques and strategies; software based sound and video editing technologies; timing and synchronisation; audio and video editing concepts; selection and appropriate use of relevant file formats; compression and storage options; recording and distribution options; digital multimedia issues.

A key aspect of this subject’s outcomes will be the development of a systematic approach to creative problem solving within the technical limitations of the multimedia environment.

Learning Objectives:

  1. familiarity with “consumer level” (semi-professional) digital audio and video recording technologies;
  2. familiarity with desktop computer based digital audio and video recording and editing technologies;
  3. ability to edit and modify digital sound and video through several intermediate production phases, saving these files in a manner suited for use in the selected production environment;
  4. demonstrate a basic understanding of traditional editing concepts and apply this knowledge in the formulation of conceptually stimulating digitally based audio and video solutions;
  5. ability to synchronise video, animation and sound as required in a multimedia production;
  6. ability to work as part of a dynamic and creative team, producing work within budget and appropriate to the project specifications.

Assessment by three practical assignments (15% each) (45%); major project (55%). Attendance of less than 80% at practical workshops will render students ineligible for assessment unless prior written approval has been obtained from the lecturer, academic adviser and Head of College.
