James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



French 1 Basic

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: SA in Senior French or equivalent
Inadmissable Subject Combination: FR1001 FR2001

39 lectures, 13 tutorials, 13 self-access practice hours. First semester (Townsville campus); a number of intensive workshops and consultation sessions during the semester. First semester (Cairns campus).

Available to students with a “sound” or better achievement at Year 12 or an equivalent knowledge of French.

Staff: Mrs M-F Mack.

General French language appropriate to the objective outlined below.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to take students to a level of basic transactional proficiency (approximately 1 on the ISLPR scale). Students will be able:
  1. to conduct simple conversations on topics that are familiar to the student;
  2. to express likes and dislikes, to order meals, to make simple transactions in banks and post offices;
  3. to respond to normal speed high-frequency instructions in familiar situations;
  4. to write down or produce in writing simple sentences including brief instructions.

Assessment by in-class tests and/or end-of-semester examinations: listening (25%); speaking (25%); reading (25%); writing (25%).
