James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Tropical Agroforestry


Prerequisites: At least 12 units of level 2 science subjects or permission of HoS
Inadmissable Subject Combination: EV5254

26 lectures, 26 practicals, 13 workshops, 16 hours fieldwork. First semester intensive block mode.

Available to level 3 students with appropriate background.

Staff: Dr S Turton.

This subject provides a general introduction to agroforestry, with an emphasis on tropical systems. Lectures, practicals and workshops by specialist academics and agroforestry professionals will examine the diverse array of ecological, economic, socio-cultural and governmental processes and phenomena that apply to subject matter. Topics include: introduction to agroforestry; community forestry in developed and developing countries, farm forestry in Australa, climate and soils in the tropic; planting design species to sites/establishment and maintenance; growth and performance, weed and pest control in the tropics; direct seeding; tree improvement; commmunity perceptions and attitudes; the economics of agroforestry; the role of government in farm forestry. A three day field class will examine agroforestry practices at sites on the Atherton Tableland, the wet tropical coast and wet/dry tropics.

Learning Objectives:

  1. To provide an integrated and multi-disciplinary overview of agroforestry processes and phenomena in tropical regions;
  2. To develop practical skills in tropical agroforestry, based on material presented by professionals in the field of study;
  3. To develop oral and written communication skills.

Assessment by 2000 word essay (30%), group seminar (10%), field note book (20%), take home examination (40%).
