James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Literary Theory and Criticism


Prerequisites: At least credit level in 7 units of level 2 EL subjects or permission of HOS

13 two-hour lecture/seminars. First semester.

Available to Honours students or by permission of the Head of School.

Staff: Dr G Manning, Dr G Mercer.

A study of major developments in literary and critical theory since structuralism.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop a theorised understanding of the literary-critical skills attained at earlier levels, and to explore alternative conceptions of the literary;
  2. to acquire a detailed knowledge and understanding of the ideas and arguments in the set readings;
  3. to develop a broad understanding of the evolution of literary and critical theory subsequent to the linguistic turn;
  4. to achieve an understanding of the key differences between humanist and language-centred theories and their consequences for critical practice.

Assessment by one 1,500 word assignment (20%); two 2,000 word essays (each 30%); seminar participation (20%).
