James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



The Subversive Genre: The Novel to Jane Austen


Prerequisites: At least 7 units of level 2 EL subjects
Inadmissable Subject Combination: EL3000 EL3002

26 lectures, 13 tutorials. First semester.

Staff: Professor A Hassall.

A range of poetry, fiction and non-fiction written by British authors in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth centuries which are relevant to an exploration of how gender and national identities are constructed.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to broaden and intensify the literary-critical skills and understanding attained by students at earlier levels, particularly where essay writing and extra-literary issues are concerned;
  2. to develop an ability to read 18th century English novels;
  3. to attain a thorough knowledge of the set texts;
  4. to acquire a familiarity with the relevant secondary literature;
  5. to achieve an awareness of the literary, social and political contexts in which the texts were produced.

Assessment by two 2,000 word essays (40%); tutorial participation (20%); one three-hour examination (20%).
