James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Literature of Spirituality


Prerequisites: At least 7 units of level 2 EL subjects

26 lectures, 10 tutorials. First semester.

Staff: Dr C Taylor.

A range of literary works on spiritual themes, selected from ancient Indian tradition, the Bible, and traditional and contemporary English prose and poetry.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to broaden and intensify the literary-critical skills and understanding attained by students at earlier levels, particularly where essay writing and extra-literary issues are concerned;
  2. to attain a sound knowledge and understanding of the set texts;
  3. to develop an ability to recognise and analyse themes across a range of literary genres and traditions;
  4. to acquire an awareness of differences and similarities in spiritual themes and their expression in different cultures and periods;
  5. to develop an awareness of the strengths and limitations of literature as an instrument of spiritual quest and exposition;
  6. to attain knowledge of an important developmental strand in English poetic tradition.

Assessment by two essays of 2,000 words each (40%); weekly tutorial participation (20%); one three-hour examination (40%).
