James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



The Romantic Vision


12 lectures, 24 tutorials. First semester.

Staff: Dr R Lansdown.

Through supported study and classroom discussion of some major writers of the Romantic period in England (1790-1830), this subject examines not just the poetic and fictional styles of the period, but the lasting changes in attitude of which they were a result: changes in attitude which have shaped the way many of us think and live today. To understand Romanticism is, in part, to understand ourselves.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to attain a good understanding of what literary studies involve at university level;
  2. to develop confidence in literary-critical thinking, discussion and writing;
  3. to develop a full and close understanding of the particular set texts;
  4. to gain a fair realisation of what the Romantic era was as a whole and what its legacy has been in historical and cultural terms, but in aesthetic and moral terms, too.

Assessment by a 500 word essay (20%); a 1,500 word essay (40%); tutorial attendance and contribution (10%); a three-hour examination (30%).
