James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Music Education


Prerequisites: ED4202 music component or equivalent
Inadmissable Subject Combination: LD4830

13 lectures, 13 tutorials, 13 hours workshops. Second semester.

Available to all level 3 or 4 BEd and/or BMus-BEd students.

Staff: Dr F York.

Developmental music education methods and techniques are examined in the contexts of the Queensland Music program, Queensland Music syllabi and “creative music” approaches. Computer technology for the notation of music and for computer assisted instruction and Web-based learning is explored.

Learning Objectives:

  1. acquire a broad understanding of the materials, techniques and processes utilised in the Queensland Music program, and aspects of other music teaching methods and programs;
  2. acquire a working knowledge of several representative computer applications used for music notation and computer assisted instruction in music education;
  3. utilise vocal and creative music techniques applicable to classroom music teaching practice.

Assessment by negotiated written assignment/project (50%); tutorial/seminar presentation (25%); critique/review (25%).
