James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Early Childhood Development Studies


Flexible delivery. Full year.

Available as core subject for BEdServ (Childcare) students only.

Staff: Assoc. Professor N Alloway.

This subject focuses on early childhood philosophy that emphasises the development of the “whole child” in terms of physical, social, emotional and cognitive development of children from birth to eight years of age. Techniques for observing, recording and assessing development are examined. A field experience component of the program attempts to forge a link between theory and practice in early childhood settings.

Learning Objectives:

  1. critically evaluate issues related to socio-emotional, physical and cognitive development of children from birth to eight years of age
  2. observe developmental characteristics in young children and interpret observations in light of critical reading of child development theories;
  3. critically analyse the educational value of a range of activities judged to be appropriate for young children;
  4. identify teaching strategies and learning experiences which should enhance children’s development while providing opportunities for play;
  5. analyse how an early childhood program is organised in terms of both human and material resources and the uses of time and space, for the development of a suitable curriculum.

Assessment by cumulative field experience file (50%); 2,000 word essay (50%).
