James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Music Education Principles and Practice


Prerequisites: ED1461

26 lectures, 13 hours workshops. Second semester.

Staff: Dr F York, Mr D Ellis.

This subject examines learning theories and methods and their application to classroom and instrumental teaching practices as observed in the Queensland Primary Music curriculum and the Queensland Instrumental Music program.Major areas of study include the musical development of the child (including individual, social and cultural differences), the measurement of musical aptitude and achievement, the processes of learning music, Multiple Intelligences, Project Zero and Arts Propel, the social psychology of music (including gender in music) and the development of musical tastes.

Learning Objectives:

  1. develop an understanding of current teaching practices through observation of classroom and group instrumental teaching;
  2. develop a critical view of curricula and teaching procedures to assess integration and balance;
  3. develop an awareness of the skills of teaching and management to effectively implement the Primary Music curriculum and Queensland Instrumental Music programs;
  4. develop an awareness of current research and its application to everyday teaching practice.

Assessment by critical teaching observations (30%); examination (30%); negotiated paper (40%).
