James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Instrumental Music Methods


13 lectures, 13 hours practicals, 13 hours workshops. First semester.

Available to level 2 or 3 undergraduate BMus-BEd students.

Staff: Mr D Ellis.

This subject examines the teaching of at least two areas (one being the student’s own instrumental major, the second an elective chosen from a different area e.g. trumpet for a woodwind major, clarinet for a string major).The pedagogy for the instrument major will be directed towards a critical examination of the important teaching issues for the instrumental area as a whole (strings, woodwind or brass).The pedagogy for the elective instruments will present through the development of foundation level performance skills, teaching skills for class-group instruction using the materials of the Queensland Instrumental Music program.The subject will critically examine issues of selection and recruitment, group management strategies, the techniques for developmental and remedial teaching and for the teaching of musicianship. Professional experience will be provided through class-group teaching in selected schools.Major areas of study include instrumental maintenance, playing posture, breath support, tone production, tuning and intonation control, dynamic range, development of pitch repertoire, articulation, bowing and double stopping, musicianship, the achievement objectives and levels of the Queensland Instrumental Music program.

Learning Objectives:

  1. apply foundation playing skills and knowledge of pedagogy of two instruments to the teaching of instrumental class-groups particularly in the schools context;
  2. develop an understanding of current teaching practices through observation of classroom and group instrumental teaching;
  3. develop a critical view of curricula and teaching procedures;
  4. develop the skills of teaching and management to effectively implement the Queensland Instrumental Music Program.

Assessment by practical examination of second instrument (30%); teaching observations (30%); negotiated paper (40%).
