James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Current Issues 3


Prerequisites: 8 units of level 2 subjects

26 lectures, 26 tutorials. Second semester.

Staff: Assoc. Professor R Monypenny.

Issues related to a topic of current interest in Australia. Review of the issues; policy implications; integration with the wider macroeconomic features of the Australian economy. The topic changes from year to year. Topics that have been covered include: financial deregulation (1994), international integration (1995), productivity and growth (1996), ecological economics (1997), global warming (1998).

Learning Objectives:

  1. to know the issues related to the topic;
  2. to understand the policy implications, the interactions between the issues and their integration with the wider macroeconomic features of the Australian economy.

On-course and end of semester assessment, as required by the topic each year and indicated in the subject outline.
