James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Macroeconomics 2A


Prerequisites: EC1001 EC1002

26 lectures, 24 tutorials. First semester.

Staff: Mr I Fleming.

The macro-economy; inflation and unemployment; the long-run growth model; fiscal and monetary policies in a full-employment economy; short-run fluctuations; the IS-LM model; the complete model; macroeconomic policy; the microeconomic foundations of aggregate demand — consumption, investment; foreign exchange and the exchange rate; the budget deficit; the monetary system; monetary and fiscal policies and the Australian institutional framework.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to present the basics of intermediate macroeconomic theory, introducing students to economic model building and algebraic and computer modelling.

Assessment by written assignment, computer workshop, seminar presentation (20%); end-of-semester written examination (80%).
