James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



*Mine Development, Production and Rehabilitation


6 lectures, 6 tutorials, 16 hours practicals, 5 hours seminars, 70 hours flexible delivery. July intensive mode.

Available to students qualifying for entry into MSc(App) in Mining and Exploration Geology.

Staff: Dr T Baker.

This is an intensive subject run in north-east or north-west Queensland, involving practical training in the operational aspects of mine geology and site management. Several operational mines in the district will be visited during the subject. It will include topics such as grade control, pit and underground mapping, mill reconciliation, pit and underground geomechanics and recovery optimisation, as well as aspects of acid mine drainage and minesite rehabilitation, mine planning and engineering and mine management. The subject is designed to provide advanced skills for present mine geologists, as well as the necessary training for explorationists to enter or re-enter mine geology.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to develop advanced skills in mining geology and mine management in the minesite.

Assessment by field tests (65%); written report/assignment (25%); seminar (10%).
