James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000





7 lectures. 149 hours thesis project/seminars. Full year.

Available to civil and environmental engineering students.

Presentation of technical material; technical writing; oral presentation – seminars; visual aids; library research techniques; literature surveys. Thesis planning; developing and defining the scope of the thesis project; resources – library, material, equipment, computer, etc.; research method, planning and note-keeping; proposal writing; critical thinking – oral and written criticism. Undertake a major thesis project; prepare and present a thesis seminar; write and submit the final thesis report.

Learning Objectives:

  1. use both print and electronic library resources for research;
  2. write a literature survey, research proposal and progress report;
  3. plan and undertake a major investigation;
  4. plan to meet deadlines for reporting on progress with a major project;
  5. deliver a seminar on a technical topic researched in depth;
  6. prepare a formal, written report on a major research study.

Assessment by on-course assessment of assignments (5%); seminars (10%); technique (15%); originality of approach and academic quality (25%). Assessment of documentation including the thesis proposal, thesis progress report and the final thesis report (45%).
