James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Physical Chemistry


Prerequisites: CH1000 or (CH1001 CH1002)

32 lectures, 4 tutorials, 36 hours practicals. First semester.

Staff: Dr B McCool.

Chemical kinetics. Collision and transition state theories. Diffusion controlled reactions. Unimolecular and termolecular reactions. Chain reactions. Classical thermodynamics: 1st, 2nd and 3rd laws and their application to chemical systems. Phase equilibria. Basic concepts of electrochemistry and electrolyte solutions – conductance, activity, standard states, electrodes and electrochemical cells, electrode kinetics.

Surface chemistry. Introduction to the chemical behaviour of interfaces, surface tension, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and solid-gas interfaces. Adsorption at interfaces, Gibbs equation, detergency, charged interfaces and the electrical double layer.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide knowledge of a range of fundamental physico-chemical principles, including the laws of thermodynamics;
  2. to provide information on the application of these principles to topics such as ozone depletion, detergency, batteries, fractional distillation, fractional crystallisation, gas adsorption and mineral flotation.

Assessment by laboratory work and reports (25%); end of semester examination (70%); tutorial problems (5%).
