James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Revegetation of Disturbed Areas


Inadmissable Subject Combination: BT3410

24 lectures, 12 hours practicals, field work. Second semester.

Available to students enrolled for the degrees of MSc (including MSc Qualifying), MAppSc, BAppSc or Graduate Diplomas.

Staff: Assoc. Professor B Jackes, Assoc. Professor R Coventry.

This subject will concentrate on biological parameters associated with the revegetation and biological rehabilitation of disturbed sites; collection and storage of seed; role of seed banks; dormancy mechanisms; germination and establishment, particularly of native species and the role of mycorrhizae. Practicals will involve propagation techniques and influence of soil chemistry on plant growth. Students will be required to attend lectures and practical classes in BT3410.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to gain an understanding of the methods required to revegetate disturbed sites;
  2. to gain an understanding of the soil properties associated with such sites.

Assessment by examination (60%); practical work and project (40%).
