James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Structure and Dynamics of Tropical Savannas

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: BT2260 or TG2001 or TG2002 recommended

6 days field work, 6 hours practicals. July intensive mode.

Staff: Assoc. Professor B Jackes, Assoc. Professor R Coventry, Dr R Congdon.

This subject introduces students to the population and community ecology of tropical vegetation of the semi-arid zone. The field work program covers a variety of habitats.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to gain an understanding of the floristics, physiognomy, ecological adaptations and land management issues of a variety of tropical plant communities, particularly savanna woodlands, grasslands and vine thickets;
  2. to learn and apply field survey techniques involved in investigating some of the factors governing the distribution of these communities. Aspects covered will include soils, fire ecology, woody weeds and grazing.

Assessment by field work participation and performance in group projects (40%); individual (major) project reports based on data collected on field trip (60%).
