James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Gene Structure and Cloning


Prerequisites: BC2023
Inadmissable Subject Combination: BC3022

30 lectures, 4 tutorials, 50 hours practicals. First semester.

Staff: Dr D Miller, Dr S Vasudevan.

The diversity of multicellular life has been achieved not by the ellaboration of new kinds of genes, but by changes in the ways in which genes are regulated. These lectures explore the diverse mechanisms of regulation of gene expression prokaryotes and eukaryotes and techniques available to study gene structure and function. The later lectures introduce animal transgenesis, a powerful method for studying gene function and bioinformatic resources, the tremendous diversity of analytical tools available to molecular biologists via the internet.

Learning Objectives:

  1. the diversity of genetic regulatory mechanisms;
  2. methods for studying gene structure and function;
  3. transgenic animals and bioinformatics.

Assessment by one three-hour examination (70%); practical reports/assignments (30%).
