James Cook University Subject Handbook - 2000



Archaeology Field School

Townsville, Cairns

Prerequisites: AR2001 or AR2201
Inadmissable Subject Combination: AR3104

8 days field work. July intensive mode.

Staff: Dr D Roe, Dr M Gibbs.

The Archaeology Field School will provide practical experience in the planning and execution of an excavation. The Field School will involve students in project planning; site surveying; the excavation of archaeological deposits; the identification and recording of stratigraphy; the recovery, recording and primary sorting of artefactual and other evidence and excavation management.

Learning Objectives:

  1. to provide practical experience in archaeological survey and excavation;
  2. to develop a knowledge of the various requirements of data recording in excavation contexts;
  3. to develop a skill base for the planning and management of an archaeological excavation;
  4. to develop the capacity to design, refine and conduct archaeological research projects.

Assessment by participation (10%); field exercises (40%); excavation report (50%).
